Yet it rejected Joy | Teen Ink

Yet it rejected Joy

June 15, 2016
By DeDeDeep BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
DeDeDeep BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hmph! Watta bunch o' dumbskulls." - King Dedede

I wasn’t sure what to expect.
The wind was howling.
The rain was pouring, draining into the emptiness.
All from my choice.
To ruin the lives I made happier.
And now they were all against me.

Yet the demon rejected joy.

I know he’ll be miserable.
His life an escape from my choice.
Yet it will inevitably happen.
The gray pathway swirls to me,
My sanity shrinking to point blank.
That friend wouldn’t like it, I didn’t either.
A clash of the ages, with his death unstoppable.
I just want to be friends again…

Yet the demon rejected joy.

My blade slashing uncontrollably.
His eyes, burning with a crushing anger.
I know I can’t stop, nor will the one inside.
Even after death, the demon will fight.
It had me all along.
It knew about my friends, it could’ve been happy with me.

Yet the demon rejected joy.

The author's comments:

I was trying out a newer form of poetry known as "the bop".

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