Yep, You are Right! | Teen Ink

Yep, You are Right!

June 21, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Yep, you are right!

Smart sister! I know I weigh pretty a lot.

Yep, you are right again, smart bro!

I know I failed my math and science simultaneously!

Yep, you are right, and you are pretty smart.

I am totally not popular, so some people ask me whether I am in their class or not. Well, still, thanks for caring if I am there or not, and I think this totally means that I am a hot issue.

Yep, sure, why not?

I suck at running, because I fall down or I just can't run.

Yep, I am shy like a stone shrouded by sand.

How do you know so well? Thanks for your attention!

Yep, you are absolutely right.

I ain't a celebrity, so I don't look visually appealing at all.


Hey, since you seemed to be talking about me and I appear to be such an interesting person, let me throw out some facts.

Are you ok with this?

If you want, you can come over to my house and see me there standing like a bumblebee.

You should see me baking great cupcakes and a piece of cheesecake.

You should see me making great tablecloths and mittens.

You should see me taking a really deep breathe and writing a mesmerising piece of novel.

Well, if you are any more interested, please contact me.

My phone number is XXXX-XXXX!

Always welcomed, and there will be more prizes if you get to know me better than just some gossips that float on the surface of opaque water.

I am pretty cool you know?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 24 2016 at 4:35 pm
Great poem I love it !!!!