A.B.C.D | Teen Ink


June 25, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I already had enough As…
So why not choosing a B?
Wait, there has been four Bs, and I am at question number 12.
I had five Cs, and wait…
Only two Ds?
Damn, it’s time for me to choose a D.
But D sounds stupid.

The question says:
What is the synonym for “stupid”?
A: anachronistic
B: Fatuous
C: Sordid
D: grand


This answer is a NO.
So, not a D.
I only had four Bs, so let’s go with a B.
If I get this right, I’ll be happy.
This exciting tension is from
guessing all the way from A to D.
A.B.C.D, only four possibilities,
but never crystal clear.

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