My Mom is a Little Girl | Teen Ink

My Mom is a Little Girl

July 9, 2016
By SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
SongE PLATINUM, Seoul , Other
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My mom seems robust.
When I collapse, she looks like a
Stable tower.
She has always been there for me,
like a tower made out of the most strong materials.
She is not just for leaning.
She is like a monument that is

But one day, when I came in quietly,
I heard my mom talking to my grandmother.
I think it’s the same.
She is like a girl, a little girl for my grandmother.
My grandmother looks like a stable tower for my mom.
When I hear my mom talking to her,
She is a little girl, who is young and weak.
She sounds like she is jumping in her little green garden.

My mom also cries…?
My mom also has so many worries…?
Is she like me?

My mom is a girl.
My mom also needs a mom.
She seems to be a stable tower, but you never know.
My mom also needs a mom.
In her shadow, maybe she is weak and unstable.
I saw her breaking into tears…
I wish she was a stable tower…
I just did not know that she was not…
I wish she was forever like a stable tower...

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