I Fall Away | Teen Ink

I Fall Away

October 6, 2016
By Brulon99 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Brulon99 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fall away as you disappear,
your presence no longer fulfilling my lung’s capacity.
You drift and I topple.
The waves cascade escaping shore and a shell is thrown only to shatter deeply on the compact particles of your disappearance.
I would never miss you because my planets cloud,
making them stars that are no longer seen sparkling in my eyes and throughout my universe when you're not there.
It is terrifying having the gravity flipped back on as the clouds collapse into a gust of my last joyful breath the moment you rotate and wander off.
Without you the grass of my beauty-capturing optimism is stained by the sun and a lack of hydration.
You predict the difference between the scarlet stained water drops in the tub or the relaxing showers that easy me into sleep
With you my night time routine of washing my face doesn’t consist of distilled charcoal drops running into the water and contrasting with the bright ivory that is one of the many causes of my headache
You feed my addiction until your assent is synchronized with my belly flop onto rock bottom.
My personal predictor of the scarlet-washed waters in the bath or the joyful days of the relaxing showers leading me into peaceful sleep.
You wipe my tears away until you are the cause for the distilled charcoal drops contrasting the harsh ivory that's only part of the Reston for my headache
I demand your presence as every second without, drops my guillotine millimeters closer to the sanity below awaiting it's uncorking.
So as you go, I fall away.

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