Overcoming Disaster | Teen Ink

Overcoming Disaster

October 10, 2016
By CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
CoreyMerritt BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What a night it was
The wind was like putting your hand out the window going fast
The hail came down hard
It was the scariest night of my life

As the night went on it got worse
We headed to the shelter and waited
Listening to all the unhuman sounds
The trees waved like dancers on a floor

We felt our way around in the dark to get comfy
The wind got stronger
And the rain stopped
We knew it was coming

Through the window a funnel formed
My stomach dropped as I turned for the basement
The only thing I felt was fear
I knew what was going to happen

I couldn't hear myself think
It was so loud
I could tell things were flying everywhere
I just went to sleep

When I woke we went outside
It was a mess
Straight rubble
We were hopeless

Sometimes you have to push past the bad
Push past the negative to get to the positive
That's what I had to do
I couldn't let despair rule my life

The only way my family and would push through this is with positivity
We could build a new life because of this
Maybe move
We must push forward with willingness and confidence

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