The Wars | Teen Ink

The Wars

October 14, 2016
By TheMonster07 BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
TheMonster07 BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

There’s a mother and child

She's tells him to hide before they find him
Before they force him to kill
The wars, the wars

There’s a girl in afghanistan
Who walks in the shadow and hides her bag
The wars, the wars

The boy is too late
They grab him by his shirt
And hand him a gun

All she wants is an education
She is scared of the extremist
And the threats they give
So she hides her bag and walks in the shadows

He knows what they want him to do
He’s scared, but his mother says “it’s ok, I know what they want you to do.”
They put her on her knees

Boom, Boom
She made it to school
She tried to run
But they got her
She goes down with the rest of her class
The war, the wars

Boom, Boom
He drops the guns
They force him to grabs it and march
The wars, the war
They are just children in the middle of a war

A 9 year old boy in Columbia
Who lives with his sick mother and 3 sibling
He has to work to provide
The wars, the wars

A 15 year old girl somewhere in the U.S.
Is tied to a bed
Forced to have sexual relations with strangers
The wars, the wars

He work 12 hours a day
And only comes home with 50 cents
He has to search for food to feed his family
The wars, the wars

She’s tired of the rape and hurt
She knows she will either end up
Pregnant or dead
The wars, the wars

They are just children in the middle of a war

Two children hid under a bed
Hoping that he doesn’t come in
Hoping that he isn’t mad or drunk
The wars, the wars

On some street corners there are  teengers
Fighting the urge to take drugs or alcohol
To drown out all the things people have told them
The wars,the wars

The children are scared
They hear him slamming on the door
He breaks it down
They don’t have a chance to run

The teens only wants a way out
So down the hatch it goes
They makes sure to take enough
To go down
The wars, the wars

The children had no chance
Now he is in cuffs
And going to jail
The wars, the wars

They are in a war they should not be in
They were innocence before they entered their war
The wars, the wars

They’re in a war they must fight
The wars,the wars they are in

They are in a war they shouldn’t even be in
The wars, the wars they are in

The wars we are blind to
The wars we choose not to see
The wars they are in

These are the wars they are in

The wars,the wars they shouldn’t even be in
The wars they are in

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