Day and night | Teen Ink

Day and night

October 24, 2016
By Angelhoechlin BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Angelhoechlin BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"not all monsters do monstrous things" - Lydia martin

Day and night
Screeech !!
The children screaming at the beach
Loud music plays
Waves are crashing
Cars are honking
The beach is so crowded you barely can move
As time goes by the sun comes down
The once crazy beach
Is now a relaxing paradise
The once burning sand
Turns into soft cold surface
The broken bits of seashell illuminate the sand
The board walk light now light up the clear sky like stars
The pink and purple sky brightens up the night
The beach is lifeless
All i hear is waves and cars in the distance
I open my eyes to reveal the crowded crazy beach
I put in my earbuds to drown out the noise and re close my eyes to dream about the peaceful , elegante,empty beach.

The author's comments:

i got inspired to write this beacause mostlry evreyone/ thing has 2 sides.

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