Why Love? | Teen Ink

Why Love?

December 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Love is damaging.
It breaks hearts and shatters souls.
Its horrendous art puts cracks in the bowls
which make up our sense of control.

You thought they’d be Great?
Just watch as you take their bait
and fall to your inevitable fate
into the fiery Prison below.

You thought they’d be Different?
See past their “different”,
and see their indifference
towards you.

You thought it wouldn’t end?
Sorry to say: Everything has an end
and watch many times as they try to send
you back to the place you were before.

After the World shattered.
After your Heart’s depression ensued.
After they came in and created a holocaust
in your little world of Home,
After that is when you realize all They wanted,
was what all Kings want from their peasants,
your Gold.

Protect your Gold.
Protect your Self.

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