Metaphors to Literal Pain | Teen Ink

Metaphors to Literal Pain

November 29, 2016
By MonarchOrange BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
MonarchOrange BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course. -Lemony Snicket

Is it possible for a story to write itself?

Something created without the sacrifice of blood.

Bleeding blister from pencils retaliating in my grip.

Every keystroke pricks my fingers feeding blood to the restless machine in our love-hate relationship.

As if something could be put out with no feeling of it being torn from you.

Yet after another torture session, I feel lighter.

Maybe I'll do something more satisfying than feed it to an empty crowd, next time.

The author's comments:

I don't actually know how I'm feeling at most points in time. However hot pain is easy to find, it burns through like a laser and collateral damage is the first noticed when I emote. There's more I could say but words often fail me. 

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