life is a mirror | Teen Ink

life is a mirror

December 7, 2016
By buggy657 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
buggy657 BRONZE, Freehold, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  life is a mirror
gleaming jewels encrusted on one side,
its crystal mirror reflects lush fruit growing on
golden trees,
i see
there is endless joy.

life is a mirror,
red rust encrusted on one side,
it’s broken mirror reflects a barren wasteland with
dead trees,
i hear 
there is eternal sadness.

                                               life is a mirror,
and i,
struggle to look at only


The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the good and bad of life. We all have our ups and downs; it is extremely easy for a peaceful day to turn into a disastrous. For every good thing we experience, we experience a bad thing as well. This piece also highlights my old struggle to understand this type of neuturality, and to accept that life has both good and bad. 

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