Sweet Dreams My Love | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams My Love

December 18, 2016
By droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
30 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No weapon forged against you shall prosper.

Crisp autumn air,
Reminds me of when I first fell in love with you,
Even in the beginning,
I knew we would never be,
We will be opposites.

My love,
Even when I thought we had something in common,
The shadows of doubt covered over it,
When we kept growing farther apart,
The cold winter nights kept me alive,
As I would write about you.

My love,
It was a mistake for me to think,
That becoming close with you would fix anything,
The spring can not mend what winter has done.

My love,
As the flowers begin to blossom in preparation for summer,
I am beginning to realize that,
We will always be far apart,
Never on the same page,
Always distant.

My love,
I know that the heat of the summer,
Will wear away whatever we had,
But I hope you know,
That I will always remember you,
In every single season.

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