Emily Dickinson Look Alike | Teen Ink

Emily Dickinson Look Alike

December 21, 2016
By AmateurInkwell DIAMOND, Middleburgh, New York
AmateurInkwell DIAMOND, Middleburgh, New York
80 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Because I could not stop for God –                                     He gently stopped for me –                                                  The Chariot had but just Ourselves –                            

He Saved me lovingly.


He slowly drove – Lord knew no haste                           

And I had put


My sinning and my leisure too,                          

For His Humility –

We passed the School, where once I learned                           And Homestead – my sweet House –
We passed the Fields of Rolling Green–
We passed the Setting Sun –                                            


Or rather – He passed Us –
The World swam, liquified and light –
For only Diaphanous, My frock –
My Tabard – only Tussah –

We paused before the Church that seemed
A Steeple of the Ground –
The Cross atop filled me with Joy –
The Zenith – in the Sky –

Since then – ‘tis Hours – and yet
Feels Longer than the Year
I first deduced the Good Lord’s Plan
Lead toward Eternity –

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