You are Him | Teen Ink

You are Him

December 27, 2016
By claire.elkin BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
claire.elkin BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No, no

I recognize you

I met you last year

I remember that night.


No, don't come closer

I remember you

You speak in cliches,

And I fell for it, I mean you


No, stop talking,

I believed you

But that was last year

And I am older. I am stronger


No, no.

You say you're not him,

But I know you too well.

Yes, I've met you before.


No, you can't fool me.

You can't drown me.

I don't fear you.

Don't come closer.


No, stop coming closer

No, this is my choice

No, this is my life

No, you've hurt me enough


No, I'm not falling for it again

No, I remember you

No, you've hurt me enough

Now leave.


I know you can't hear me, though

Probably because I can't say it out loud

But I remember your heavy touch,

And I still hear your cold laugh


You're him, I know you are

Even if you're not,

I wouldn't dare leave my ground

And get slammed again into cold, rough pavement

Not again


No, you're him.

I know you are

Every man I'll ever meet

Will be him


Any rose you'll ever give me,

I'll see the thorns

Any smile we ever share,

Will be scorned


Because he hurt me, and now

He's you and you're him

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

The author's comments:

This piece is based on my personal experience, where a bad relationship has affected my perspective on the following one. Although my own experience has been less extreme than the one described in the poem, the emotion I attempted to convey in the poem is sincere. I hope this poem gives young girls some strength to realize that not every man is the same.

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