Living Through a Screen | Teen Ink

Living Through a Screen

January 13, 2017
By AmayaThePoet BRONZE, Essex, Maryland
AmayaThePoet BRONZE, Essex, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whether it’s snowy Alaska or sunny California
We fly to our phones like migrating birds
Just to capture what we see

Maybe it’s the way the sun gleams off the water
Looking like a chorus full of lazy rainbows

Or it might be the way the snow coats the mountains
Just if it were a warm soft fluffy blanket

Despite your actual surroundings
Next time just focus on the feeling that washes over you
Just like the pulsing waves against the sand

Whether that feeling be of euphoria, nostalgia;
Contentment, achievement, empowerment;
Tranquility, admirability, or even joviality

Try to capture that sentiment
Instead of the right filter for your picture

I’m not sure whether it’s the camera quality or the bad angle
But there’s a reason you hear
“This picture just doesn’t do it justice”
Because it doesn’t
You experience is what makes the situation worth remembering

Too often we live through our screens
Live through the lenses in your eyes
And see through your own reality

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