Gone, But Not Forgotten | Teen Ink

Gone, But Not Forgotten

January 13, 2017
By shaterramartin BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
shaterramartin BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who is she?
I can’t remember
I can’t recall the sound of her voice
Or how she looked
Before the hair loss
Before she couldn’t leave the house anymore
Before she lost all of her weight
I only see a sad woman, as small as a bundle of sticks
It’s only been a short walk around the corner
Since she’s been gone
But it feels slow
Like a group of people in the hallway who never seem to get to class
Or a jar of molasses on a cold winter day
She is gone
I want to forget all of the suffering
I don’t want to think about it
The thoughts fade from my mind
Like her consciousness
They run a never ending marathon in my head
The flood of negativity breaks through the dam that holds my dearest thoughts
I start to miss little things that I want to recall
Her favorite color was green
Which is as calm and composed as she was
Her favorite scent was brown sugar and vanilla
Sweet, comforting and warm like the hugs she gave me
I want to hold on to my memories
I don’t want her to be forgotten

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