The Racoon | Teen Ink

The Racoon

January 10, 2017
By kj130 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
kj130 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mid of night, his natural place to be.
No one to as a witness to his crime.
He tip-toes through the grass, not a soul in sight.
Tonight , he brings his onterosh.
Matching black masks, to hide their identity.
Dark stripes on their rears; a matching uniform.
They are ready for the heist.
One lifts the other, and the third climbs them, into the trash.
The moment of truth, they all wait in anticipation.
Moments later, the main heistman reappears with...A FULL BAG OF CHIPS!!
The crew skimpers with joy, a good find for the night, when a light from inside goes on.
They grab their gold, and run, back into the trees of the forest.

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