I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

February 2, 2017
By anovak21 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
anovak21 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from dancing in front of the windows of our house.
Cranking the music
and pretending no one is watching.

I am from a loving house with cozy warm blankets and steaming hot chocolate cooking on the stove.
Walking up on a Saturday morning to the smell of fresh pancakes and bacon
and a yellow lab running around.

I am from the vibrant colored leaves that make the perfect crunch noise as I step on them walking up my driveway in the fall,
bright orange pumpkins and cooked seeds.
and caramel apples from Basses. 

From Halloween parties with family and friends dressing up in festive costumes,
summer trips to the Florida keys with best friends,
tanning on the beach with my shiny, polkadotted black sunglasses and a cold drink in my hand.

From golfing on a warm sunny afternoon
and driving around with the top off.

From “How was school?”
and “Goodnight, love you.”

From baking sweet treats with my sister,
jumping on the trampoline
and biking on the Bug Line.

I am from the childhood memories of Mom playing the violin and dancing around the hardwood kitchen floor.
Fishing with Dad up north on a summer night.
And Erin turning my bedroom into a theater and watching movie marathons.

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