It's to late | Teen Ink

It's to late

April 12, 2017
By krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
krissy8545 SILVER, Lakeland, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say I have forever, but is it true? Just put it down, it will all get better. what is life but a broken vase that's useless to me.the moment you want to feel like you are worth something, your to needy. No one cares until there's rose red liquid on the floor pouring from your very arm or the pills your holding go down your throats and now your in the hospital. But will they come and visit you? Of course not. Cause their night at the movies watching Star Wars is way better then sitting at some nasty hospital waiting for you to wake up. But it's not until that line flattens that they realize what happened.because everyday you woke up and said maybe today will be better and eventually you just got tired of waiting so you took your pain away And now they care. But now your gone and it's to late.

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