Society | Teen Ink


April 18, 2017
By coughmal BRONZE, Ball, Louisiana
coughmal BRONZE, Ball, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We try and be somebody we're not

We try to be what society wants us to be 

We aren'y really unique 

Our society is silently crumbling around us

Yet the poets keep writing about how they feel

And the kids keep lying about how they feel

And the locks on our doors keep failing because we deny how we feel

They make us out to be nobody

But behind closed doors, we can be whoever we want

Because their opinions are irrelevant

We can dance to the music we want

We can write poems that are beautifully depressing

We can have our own names

Because we are a work of art

And nobody

Not even this society

Can change that

The author's comments:

Basically, what inspired me to write this poem, is the society I'm exposed to. I look around my school and see these people. They are all carbon copies of each other. They all listen to the same music, have the same friends, the same hobbies, they're just all the same. And I noticed this. I feel as if these people can't tell anyone how they really feel, because of fear of being neglected by their peers. So they try and be the same as everyone around them. I just really hope people can relae to this, because the words I wrote are true. 

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