Dense Shadows | Teen Ink

Dense Shadows

April 19, 2017
By Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dense shadows that follow love
Leaving you to wallow in your own sadness
As if the aftertaste of a sweet cough syrup leaving your lips
Only when it’s gone do you realize the bitter aftertaste
But then you get sick once again
And you know must take a sweet spoonful
Despite the bitter sting.
Do you?
Letting old tastes come back again to explore your senses
Like an endless circle
following the same patterns
Leaving you filled with the dull darkness
Of its shadows.
Leaning towards the water
To look over the crystal lake
But knowing you can’t jump in
Tempting you
Leaving you conflicted
Then another lake comes along even more beautiful than the first
Do you even want to see it?
Should you turn around before you catch a glimpse?

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