Leave | Teen Ink


April 19, 2017
By Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
Ariyana513 BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to be happy again.
But my mind re runs the same thoughts
You're never really gone
Even when I think you are,
You're still haunting me.
Giving me small tastes of old memories and of what could be,
You?e still taunting me like a drug.
And as I'm withdrawing
My heart beats faster.
You're the only thing on my mind.
And I want you more
and more
Till somehow I get through it.
And the wanting subsides.
Until a notification on my phone reading your name pops up.
It's you, to make sure I'm still hooked
And the cycle starts again.

I need to forget you.
So like a bird I will fly away from this crappy town.
And no one will ever find me.
Watching the ones I love without being able to realize I love them,
While the cruelness of the world takes over their lives.
Never again will it be my fault
My problems.
Never again will I see you
Remember you
And feel pain,
Cause you will mean nothing to me.
My brain will not comprehend the things I had
And what I have lost.
I will not know you.
And I will not be afraid of being alone.

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