My Memories | Teen Ink

My Memories

April 25, 2017
By haileybrown SILVER, Kirbyville, Missouri
haileybrown SILVER, Kirbyville, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.

Important places among all hearts are our memories,
the ones we smile to and the ones we cry to.

Every time I see an object that reminds me of my childhood,
a smile appears upon my face, for life is such a beautiful thing.

Friendship necklaces are more than a chain to me,
they are a girl that was my best friend but decided,
she would just stab me in the back leave.

Popsicles are more than sweet treats to me,
they are melty hot summer days.
They are friendships that last forever,
they are sweet victory after doing chores.
They are my mom getting mad because I’m sticky.

Unopened Christmas presents are more than sadness,
they are disappointment.
They are my first memory of my dad, they are a broken promises,
and wishing a had a dad who’d stay.
Mean cats are not the way I see all cats,
they are my hand needing a whole box of Barbie bandaids.
They are thoughts like, “why don’t you like me, Princess?”

Shadows on the wall are not scary,
they are giggling at night when my mom says we need to sleep.
They are very missed friendship with my brother.
They are witch fingers and funny noises.

Cigarettes are not something cool
they are the reason I had breathing problems.
They are something I had to breathe.

Memories are most important,
hold on to every memory you have.

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