I am from America | Teen Ink

I am from America

September 19, 2017
By Hhopp SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hhopp SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from America,
where summers contain children with squirt guns who learn how to drive at 8.

I am from night time bonfires,
tubes cut through the wild waves
where Jason Aldean fills the house, dancing to until the moon shines.

I am from Wisconsin.
When winters feel like Texas and Antarctica and
kids sled through fresh snow.

Plow trucks dredging through the heavy snow,
my brothers and sister coming home to fresh hot Swiss Miss and our family gathering for Christmas ham.

I am from respect and love,
Hartland with a population under 10,000 a
small town of sunrises and

I am from unifying when struggles happen.
Tough work is done . . . strenuous hours are worked.
Noses discover Friday Fish Frys.

I am from businesses who care for their customers.
Freedom, Fun, and Future
I am from America.

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