Know Thyself | Teen Ink

Know Thyself

November 14, 2017
By droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
30 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No weapon forged against you shall prosper.

Cheers to me,
Because who else would dare say it.

I am proud,
Despite my setbacks I’ve made it thus far.

I am loved,
By no one other than myself.

I am alone,
But I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I am damaged,
But it has made me stronger

I can,
Do anything I set my eyes on.

I am my own hero,
Because I have saved myself.

I will,
Prosper and grow.

I am blessed,
God has made me independent.

I am enough,
Never too little, never too much.

I am me,
And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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