hellcat spangled shalala | Teen Ink

hellcat spangled shalala

December 3, 2017
By zoemaiele BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
zoemaiele BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

unforgettable unending unhappiness:

choke my love, feed my fear (a fire)
with bones and blood and all my tears.
slice deeper into brains and wit inject your venom deep in it.
pound harder, harder, on my lungs then fill them later full
of tar you pull from the sky.
burrow into muscle then rip it apart fiber by fiber away
from bones and tendons it all falls through the floor.
rupture my sternum bend rib and rib away apart
creaking slowly like floorboards at night.
open my cage set free the ravens and crows held within,
one murder at a time.
feed them shadows and treacle and faded stars for midnight snack.
then fill me up with ashes and coal,
wrap me in cobwebs so i might heal,
and ease my pain with ethanol and capsules of happy and okay.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Savannah Brown's "Extraction".

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