In My Mind | Teen Ink

In My Mind

December 1, 2017
By SwansGuy BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
SwansGuy BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear voices
A hallowed whisper of advice,
Or stomach turning doubts.
Sometimes they're aggravating,
Like a child throwing a tantrum at a store
Stomping, screaming and crying
Snot dripping from the nose
My head pounds to the rhythm of the child's heaving between crys
Sucking in air in undertoned breathes trying to stay calm

Sometimes they sooth me
As if it were my mother, serving hot soup when i'm sick
The euphoria of a cozy bed and DVD’s
A gentle lullaby, fishing sickly thoughts
From the ocean of my mind.

Sometimes the voices are silent
I scream out to them for help
I beg and plead
Answered only by my echo.
Ringing through the dark cavern
Like a phone you can't answer.

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