Counting Down... | Teen Ink

Counting Down...

December 8, 2017
By AJDoukoure BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
AJDoukoure BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time.The one thing that nobody has when they don’t want to have it.The only thing that can slip out of your grasp even as you clutch on it so tightly. You plan things and expect Time to like it, and you think you have the power, but the power belongs to Time.You might want to keep track of Time but he never stops running.Your plans BELONG to Time and you depend on him for most of your life.

He is like the close friend you never want to let go even when he’s not there, but the truth is, he already moved on. He poured gasoline to slip out of your tightly clenched hands and lit a match to show you your chance was up. The chance you had  prepared for the life you wanted because you waited for it to come to you instead of making it for yourself. He was Counting down the seconds it was to make your train of dreams stop by, it got thrown off by weird obstacles you caused because time lapped you and ran over you like a lawnmower does to grass on a summer day. Cut you to shreds,and ALL your lies about when you would do things or even doing things at all caught up as well and stood right in front or your train to make it take the wrong turn. And well, it did.Now Time is counting how long it takes for you to realize your chance is gone.

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