Money does grow on trees... | Teen Ink

Money does grow on trees...

December 14, 2017
By deshaS SILVER, Brussels, Other
deshaS SILVER, Brussels, Other
6 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Poverty, such a meaningful word
Like they are some kind of language
That not everyone speaks
And as the time goes
It seems like our world
Has some crazy theory
That money buys happiness
Every flower
Seems to be replaced by a fake plant
Just like every lasting emotion
Seems to be replaced by fake  happiness
And the desire to want more in life
Without realizing
All those things we want
….they don’t last(10 seconds)
The newest phone model
Gets old after a year
That new pair of shoes
Shabby is its new description after a year of usage
The world is forgetting
All the holidays and traditions
All the things that used to make us happy
Seem to be replaced by gadgets
Which is ridiculous
Because instead of treating money like a piece of paper
We treat it like its a privilege
A privilege not everyone has
But life is a privilege
Money….it’s just a piece of paper we use to fulfill our desire
And we need to stop treating it like it can.

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