Rainy Days | Teen Ink

Rainy Days

March 15, 2018
By ZephosJr BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
ZephosJr BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's raining.

I look up to the sky,

and feel it on my face.

The clouds are grey.

They looks so sad, but I love it.

I want it to stay.


To stay where it rains forever,

seems to be all that I want.

The cool air, musty fragrance, and damp world.

Such days are the only animal I'll hunt.


I close my eyes and breathe it in,

inhaling the final moments,

for the dry season is about to begin.



please don't go away.

But my efforts to keep you would be in vain,

so go ahead and leave.

Promise you'll visit me another day.

The author's comments:

I've always like rainy weather, something about it makes everything so peaceful and it seems to calm my stress and anxiety a lot. Not to mention the fact that I live in a desert, so rain's hard to come by.

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