A Date Back in Time | Teen Ink

A Date Back in Time

March 28, 2018
By sailorgirl22 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
sailorgirl22 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First dates.
An experience consisting of nail biting, overthinking and embarrassment.
I felt a funny feeling in my stomach. Butterflies.
My hands clammed up and my face blared red like a stop sign.
The MPM—an alluring adventure for a first date.

From across the museum,
it caught my eye immediately—The Streets of Old Milwaukee.
I wondered what the streets of Milwaukee offered back in time.
Beautiful, brilliant and blissful, I bet.
My eyes twinkled with excitement as we took our first steps onto the streets.

We transformed back to the 1900s.
It felt as if we stepped into a brisk, fall day.
The gas burning lights filled me with warmth,
or maybe it was the fact that he just grabbed my hand—there’s those butterflies again.
As we walked through I felt like I was on a date back in time.

We went into the candy shop and I felt like a child again.
The sweet smell took over my nose.
I picked out sweet, colorful, yummy treats:
turkish taffies, rock candies and rainbow lollipop.
The sweetest part—he paid.

As we neared the end of the streets, it felt like leaving a vacation.
You know the feeling, the one where you don’t want something to end.
We made it back around to the old car still holding hands.
He looked me in the eyes, leaned in and kissed me.
There's those butterflies again.

The author's comments:

It was written about the Streets of Old Milwaukee exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

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