The Color Green | Teen Ink

The Color Green

May 14, 2018
By Samy123 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Samy123 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The Color Green.

It's a fascinating color.

The Color of Nature, the Color of Envy.

I don't quite know how to describe the Color Green.

It's light and fresh and crunchy and soft and sweet, I guess. 

I'd never wear anything Green. Too bright for me. 

But I'd pour green onto a blank white piece of paper and watch it bring it to life.

I'd breathe in the freshness of Green and sniff in the sweetness of it on my morning runs in the park.

I'll let it flush over me when my parents show a little more affection towards my brother than me.

The Color Green. It's a fascinating Color indeed. 

The author's comments:

I started this piece in response to a prompt given to me by my Creative Writing teacher. But, it evolved into something more than a class assignment as I discovered the wonders of the Color Green. 

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