Uncommon Recipe | Teen Ink

Uncommon Recipe

May 22, 2018
By Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A heaping case of senioritis
One yellow piece of chalk
A dollop of parking tickets(Just enough to make you angry)
5 filled parking lots
1 car
A boatload of being fed up with parking at the mullet
1 resource officer giving parking tickets
Flurry of coins(Should add up to price of unpaid tickets)

Be a senior with only a couple weeks left(At this point you should just be ready to be done)
Wake up at 7:50 with FSO first and second hour
Proceed to get ready an leave your house to arrive at Arrowhead at 7:30
Drive around the mian school lots to find zero spots
Think about parking on the grass remember the tickets you still have to pay from doing that
Become so infuriated you decide what any teenager would do, utter the words “fine I’ll show them”.
Proceed to drive your car onto the sidewalk by the athletic doors
Take out your yellow chalk and draw your own parking lines, must be accurate to create your own spot
Walk inside so happy with yourself, walk into the resource officers office and place your bag of coins to pay for your previous tickets on his desk.
Go to school, during 3rd hour when you car is found you are pulled out of class by Ms. Gordon
Proceed to argue with her an refuse to move your car
Finally enjoy! You get to watch all of your friends walk and receive their diplomas with you watching from the stands

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