School is a Place... | Teen Ink

School is a Place...

May 16, 2018
By Chryslyn.Perkins BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
Chryslyn.Perkins BRONZE, Decatur, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

School is a place where each color is learned
A place where green becomes brown when the leaves have turned
Roses are red and violets are blue
School shouldn’t be a place where violence is due

School is a place where children laugh and run
But what is it that they are running from?
School shouldn’t be a place where the days are gray
A place where children are taught to hide and stay away

Emma spoke

Lockdown drills
Children with dreams left unfulfilled

School is a place where hopes have turned gray
A place where sunny skies turn dark before the end of the day
Sugar is sweet, why can’t we be too?
The end of gun violence is well past due.

The author's comments:

I am senior, and have just been admitted to attend Trinity in the fall. I love art and writing. I plan to become an Art Therapist and work with children and adults with special needs. Shoutout to Sonja Edwards for the class project that led me to write this poem.

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