I am the Shed in the Backyard | Teen Ink

I am the Shed in the Backyard

May 23, 2018
By abby15davies GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
abby15davies GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit in the corner of the classroom scoping out who may or maynot be in my class this semester;
I look to my left and look to my right, but not one of my friends is here.

The teacher tells us all to find our assigned seats, but I stay in the corner where I can sit alone while listening to the teacher read shakespeare.

I sit at a table on my own during lunch hoping that no one will come sit with me, for the ones who do are not my friends; I overhear people talking, asking why I sit all alone.

After the school day I go home sitting in my living room where I have my family; they ask me how my first day at the new school was, I grown and say I am on my own.

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