Recipe for a Content Soul | Teen Ink

Recipe for a Content Soul

May 23, 2018
By claudiarcurtin GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
claudiarcurtin GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lifetime of forgiveness
A flurry of yoga
A galaxy of good music
An ocean of genuine friendships
A heap of peaceful mindset
A slice of time management
A crate of good books
Bottomless cups of coffee
A sprinkle of social media breaks

First, forgive yourself and others. Put the past in the past and create new beginnings with those who have put you through hell and back; including yourself.
To relax your body and mind, get into some yoga. Let all the tension holding you back, go.
Make a playlist that helps get through the ups and downs. Music can fill the loneliness or be there to celebrate with you.
Next, one of the most important steps is to find your people. Find people who make you laugh but will also stay up with you all night if need be. Your soul will thank you.
Keep your mind at peace. Make sure to remember this through all the aggravating times.
A key is to manage your time. Get all your obligations done so you feel a sense of accomplishment but leave time for YOU.
Take weekly or monthly  trips to Barnes & Noble. You’ll be shocked by how well books understand what you’re going through.
ALWAYS have coffee at an arm’s reach. The sweet and bitter taste will warm all your insides.
Lastly, get off that phone. No their life isn’t actually that fun. Yes it’s ok if you don’t comment first.

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