Conversation with myself | Teen Ink

Conversation with myself

May 18, 2018
By AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't waste your time asking life "why?" because it's only going to respond with "why not?"

Can you hear that...?
It’s the ocean rushing,
Coursing through my veins..
Its piping hot and extremely loud.

I can’t see it though.
My eyes are closed.
The sea creatures are beating their drums..
I can hear it.

Bum bum. Bum bum. Bum bum.
An odd beat they have..
But i can hear it so loudly
Almost as if they were playing my ear drums.

Maybe its because I’m in that ocean.
That would explain ...
well my inability to breathe of course.

Can you hear that..?
Are they singing ?
Why are they singing those words...
Oh my god, they’re awful!

Open your eyes...
God, open your eyes child!
Silly me...
there is no ocean...

Those are your tears you are swimming in.
That’s your heart you’re hearing.
Those are the voices in your head. Bellowing.
Your blood rushing not the ocean.

Do you feel that?
As you lay in that puddle
Getting swimmers ear
From swimming in your own tears...

Let me introduce you to your guest.
Her name is anxiety.
She’ll be spending time with you tonight.
Well.. I’ll leave you to it.

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