Personal Metaphor | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor

May 24, 2018
By Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a calendar.

Year 2000: Born as Logan Jeffrey on June 8th. Disliking fire on candles as my parents sang Happy Birthday to me and disliking the razor sharp blades of a cutter at haircuts was common in this age. This was the age that light switches fascinated me.

Year 2005: Entering Kindergarten at the age of 5 years old.  Developing a strong work ethic work ethic was evident as I was having fun with everyone in the classroom. Getting my first instinct into music with listening to songs that were published by an actual band instead of songs that were only interested for kids.

Year 2010: Starting my intermediate elementary school level in 4th grade. Was playing piano for almost two years and learning new skills that seem easy to me today.  This is when my musical abilities began to flourish and ever since 8-10 years old, been involved with music.

Year 2015: Beginning a new chapter at Arrowhead High School as a Freshman. Soccer became my utmost passion at this age and working hard helping out my coaches and teammates as much as possible. Work did become much harder for me, but never gave up and kept going strong.

Year 2018: Almost done with Junior year of high school as I’m currently typing this poem. Where has all of the time gone?  Growth . . . Maturity . . . Change . . . I have had various ups and downs from countless moments in my high school years, and I am now becoming a bit worried because this school was my home and the place of these moments. And next year, just like that, four years will have been written off the calendar and will be gone for good.

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