Exposed | Teen Ink


May 21, 2018
By RookBowman BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
RookBowman BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is exposed
The sun beats its rays down on her
Like the punches of school bullies on the playground
The sand tauntingly tickles her feet
Like the failed job interview she spent shaking in her shoes
She goes to the water but is taken aback by its severe coldness
Like the insult her lover left her with

So she flees for the fortress to fortify
Recollecting herself peacefully in a paradise of painted plaster
But is there joy? Purgatory is probably peaceful
The wide, breezy windows call to her
Seeking an answer, she looks outside at her friends

But smiling
So she runs out and gives the water a second chance
The surges rush to greet her and her friends beam
Gradually, the chill of the water became a comfortable familiarity
So she could wrestle and laugh with the azure waves
Closest to happiness she will ever get
While exposed

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a beautiful picture of a beach. I have always admired the serenity and power the ocean holds and revered it over most things in this world. I also can strongly relate to the subject of the poem's feelings about their comfort zone, and I hope others will be able to.

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