Recipe for the Worst Morning | Teen Ink

Recipe for the Worst Morning

May 22, 2018
By SimplyAM GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
SimplyAM GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One alarm clock, preferably broken
A wink of sleep
Two annoying brothers
Two slices of burnt toast
A sprinkle of spilt coffee
One long, slow train
One mound of bad luck

Start by going to sleep at the latest you possibly can to minimize sleep
Set your alarm clock 30 minutes after you are suppose to wake up (optional: set for an additional 10 minutes)
-With your two annoying brothers make sure they hog the bathroom and ruin your favorite pair of shoes.
-For breakfast, take your two slices of toast and toast them until they are charcoal black.
-Make sure to take the long route to school, you don’t want to get there early
-Stop at the railroads letting the long, slow train take time to pass.
With your arrival at school take your coffee and slowly sprinkle it onto your white shirt, preferably right in the center
-Lastly, take your mound of bad luck and carefully sprinkle it throughout the day (make sure to save some for later).
-This recipe guarantees the worst morning.

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