I am a Phone | Teen Ink

I am a Phone

May 22, 2018
By Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Winner76 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a phone always buzzing or beeping. All day I work learning googling talking. When I finally put myself down I charge all night just to do the same the next day. I sit ready to talk, whenever you need me I am there ready to help. Sometimes, you need to throw me across the room or say just leave me alone, but you always come back. I am the flashlight, ready to light up your night. I am loaded with apps to entertain you, pictures of that day at the beach, twitter to give you a good laugh, or the news always ready for american problems. I am like a phone, but most importantly, I am always loyal to you an always by your side.

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