The Weathering of the Heart | Teen Ink

The Weathering of the Heart

May 13, 2018
By droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
droppingyourindexcards PLATINUM, Brooklyn, New York
30 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No weapon forged against you shall prosper.

When we first met,
We were a freshly lit candle that you ignite in the beginning of summer,
One that smelled like sweet, vanilla birthday cake,
It had so much potential.

But after a couple months,
The flame was practically gone.
We weren’t like the summer,
We were colder than the winter,
And I had to stop us from completely burning out.

So I lit a match,
One of those matches that you light,
When all the the electricity goes out at midnight,
And your heart is beating out of your chest,
But all of the sudden,
You stumble upon a match,
You light it,
And you can see again,
I saw her again.
We saw each other again.

We weren’t summer,
But we weren’t winter,
We weren’t exactly “spring” either,
We were fall,
And I felt like I prevented the winter,
As I looked into those icy eyes,
And watched them warm up into clear blue waters.

One day we were completely frozen,
The next,
We turned into leaves,
Falling as winter approached,
And when we hit the cement,
We became nothing.

Someone crushed us,
And we became broken leaves,
Waiting to be swept away,
And as the wind blew us farther apart,
I realized why it’s so hard to let go of the past,
Because you realize a lot of things are your fault,
But you never want to admit it.

I always blamed it on someone else,
But it was always me.
I was a blizzard in the middle of December,
And she was a heat wave in the beginning of June,
And we clashed,
Like thunder and lightning.

We could have been an eternal flame,
But instead I blew her away,
And she never came back.

I thought she hurt me,
But I hurt myself,
And that’s the problem,
You can’t light a match in a blizzard in the middle of December.

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