moonlit romance | Teen Ink

moonlit romance

June 7, 2018
By fallinautumn BRONZE, Alton Bay, New Hampshire
fallinautumn BRONZE, Alton Bay, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Seek beauty in a garden of weeds, they all tell a story of beauty if you listen.

Silk like the sky and the touch of your skin. The moon calls us into its warmth telling us to stay forever this very way. Soft blankets ,cold hands, whispers under the moonlit sky as your warm breath hugs my lips under the quiet hum of the cars driving by, unaware and oblivious of the sleek mystery of our star-crossed love for eachother. Hot breath fogs the very glass we use to see the sky go dark and the pale moon appear over us. Cold noses on pale skin with wandering hands and shy smiles fall over our warm cheeks. With you the night goes so fast when really with every hour, every shy fraction of your wonderful smile, the love in my eyes grow deeper for you and the soft touch of your hands get warmer and I feel safe. Do you?

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