Day's Limitations | Teen Ink

Day's Limitations

June 15, 2024
By aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
aidensaewonahn GOLD, Palisades Park, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In twenty-four hours,

I want to do so, so much!

Dreams outrace the time…

The author's comments:

Every morning, when I wake up, I yearn to do the things I do in my dreams: flying away into the sky, or eating as much food as I am possibly able to are activities that are unfeasible in day-to-day life. This haiku's purpose is to show the disparity between the fantasy world that I envision my life to be versus the reality, where my optimism truly starts to fall apart, and I have to wake up. This affects my school life, personal life, and all aspects of my very being.

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