Haiku:{New beginnings} 🧶 [#1] | Teen Ink

Haiku:{New beginnings} 🧶 [#1]

July 9, 2024
By YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
YourLocalArea51Alien DIAMOND, Limassol, Other
52 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
*insert funny quote*

Threads of life are spun,

Careful hands weave, twist, tangle:

Destiny unfolds

The author's comments:

This is yet another one of my Haiku poems inspired by Greek mythology.:)

*This is 1/3 of a "thematic trilogy" I came with. Each of the 3 Haikus is inspired by 1 of the 3 Moirai!

In Greek mythology, the Moirai were the personifications of destiny. They were three sisters: Clotho [#1] (the spinner), Lachesis [#2] (the allotter) and Atropos [#3] (the inevitable, a metaphor for death). 

"Clotho, the youngest of the sisters, presided over the moment in which we are born, and held a distaff in her hand; Lachesis spun out all the events and actions of our life; and Atropos, the eldest of the three, cut the thread of human life with a pair of scissors."

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