Spring Awakening | Teen Ink

Spring Awakening

May 30, 2012
By E-liz BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
E-liz BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flowers bloom in the sunlight

The wind blows gently, I am glad the grass

Is turning greener.

I lay on the sand

Warm grain against my skin

The clouds begin to cover the sky

Soon ice begins to form

The windows begin to shiver

I desperately need shelter

I soon find my way

In this very odd day

In an ocean of peace

The author's comments:
Springtime-one of my favorite and cherished seasons. I love the new flowers and bloom and not to mention the warmer weather as well. I love seeing the transition of a cold dark dead earth assciated eith winter to a new reborn spring.

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