A Butterfly In a Haiku World | Teen Ink

A Butterfly In a Haiku World

February 19, 2013
By Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Small caterpillar,
the cocoon very awkward,
transformation soon.

Magnificent wings,
colours; beyond amazing,
butterfly is here.

Landing on your nose,
with a rush of excitement,
tickling your skin.

It leaves once again,
into the big, open world,
whispering goodbye.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem based on butterflies. To make it interesting, I used the simplicity of a haiku and instead of just using one stanza, I used a haiku 4 times (to make four stanzas) and create a longer poem for more detail.

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