February Air | Teen Ink

February Air

March 31, 2015
By yejikasielee BRONZE, Cerritos, California
yejikasielee BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything," by Malcom X.

He stopped by Grandma’s
a pair of pliers snipping
blossoming flowers.
Bundle of roses
tearing through the skin, hands of
first-time Valentine.
Behind the door his
smile hides the imperfect bunch
wrapped in a shoe-lace.
Eyebrows tilt softly
her lips swerve slightly awry
a laugh finds a way.
Catching her mid-air,
spinning her around, the dress
blossom out a bell.
White dress, upside down
rose, her eyes shine like starlight
like nothing in sight.

The author's comments:

A light-hearted old school kind of love. 

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