Techie Haikus | Teen Ink

Techie Haikus

May 15, 2015
By DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
DukeKnight SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Video Race”
A race now begins,
Between a red and gray man,
People cheering for gray.

“Can’t Beat the Bat”
A fight of all dreams
Batman versus Superman,
Batman always wins.

“Youtuber for Life”
Staring into white
void of timed pictures,
“Oh hey, new video.”

“Okay guys quick question,
Who would win in this cool fight,
Goku or Superman?”

“Lord of the Computer Reality”
One does not simply build
a new computer without
money sacrifice.

“Nerd Wars”
“My action figures
are a lot better than yours!”
Push up glasses snort.

“Everything Must be Haiku”
Na na na na na
na na na na na na na,
Batman! Batman! Pow!

“Internet Jokes”
If I learnt anything,
Slenderman has more faces
than Kristen Stewart.

“Kratos IS God”
Ever been so mad
that you wage war on the olympians
and rip their heads off?

Explosion goes off,
Lying at the center a burnt man,
Electric power.

“Don’t Kombat Me”
Games and gore mix,
Nothing like ripping off heads

The author's comments:

These were haikus we had to do for a website called "ThinkGeek"

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