Belts | Teen Ink


May 9, 2013
By Robeliciousness BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
Robeliciousness BRONZE, Franklin, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I love it when I catch you looking at me.

To a small hunting village living in fear.
A pigmy family clinging to life,
depending on the hunter, wielding bow and knife.
The hunter returns with only one cow.
The village depends on the meat, pelt, hide, but how?
Baked in the sun, week after week it is weathered.
A new material, sturdy, called leather.
New tools, new designs, new clothes are worn.
Out of this miracle, the belt is born.

3000 years later, billions are sold.
For any accessory, this number is bold.
From a small leather strap, millions are made.
Its price in gold cannot be weighed.
Profit, protection. Pleasure and pain.
These feelings traced back to belts once again.
A small leather strap, made back before history,
would grow up to be a most cherished accessory.

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